Click on the podcast links below for bonus content, as well links to books and bios of guest speakers!
October 4, 2018
Episode 13 / Abortion and Planned Parenthood with Abby Johnson
Abby Johnson -- pro-life activist, author, and former director at Planned Parenthood -- joins us to talk about her story, the reality of abortion clinics like Planned Parenthood, and dehumanization.
September 20, 2018
Episode 12 / Kingdom of God or Kingdom of Heaven?
There is a debate in Christianity that the “Kingdom of God” and the “Kingdom of Heaven” are two different things. Some people say the Bible is talking about Heaven, while others say the Kingdom of God is right here, right now, infiltrating the Earth. The Zootown crew takes a look at the different views and discusses their thoughts on the subject.
September 6, 2018
Special guest Joey Svendsen, host of The BadChristian Podcast and Pastor With No Answers, joins us to talk about podcasting, cussing, diversity, and how he deals with the number of different voices and opinions in the world.
July 31, 2018
Episode 10 / Love, Sin, & Metaphors with Brian Zahnd
Special guest Brian Zahnd talks about his journey from believing in a God of merciless vengeance to believing in a loving God that is perfectly revealed in Jesus. He also highlights his recent book Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God and what led him to write it.
July 17, 2018
Episode 9 / Nationalism, Tribalism, & Bob Dylan with Brian Zahnd
Pastor and author Brian Zahnd joins us to talk about the political climate in America, civil religion, and his love for Bob Dylan.
July 3, 2018
Episode 8 / Movies
As Scott likes to say, "Movies prove that you have a soul." So today we're talking movies, favorite actors, and the blueprint for all future Christian films. And Nicolas Cage. And The Rock. And more Nicolas Cage.
June 21, 2018
Episode 7 / Violence with Greg Boyd
Greg Boyd -- renowned theologian, pastor, and author of books such as Cross Vision and The Myth of a Christian Nation -- talks with us about the beauty of living a non-violent life and having a Christ-like view of the violence found in the Old Testament.
June 7, 2018
Episode 6 / Faith and Politics with Greg Boyd
Internationally recognized theologian, pastor, and author Greg Boyd chats with us about faith, politics, and keeping your eyes on Christ in the midst of the toxicities found in American culture.
April 30, 2018
Episode 3 / The Bible (part 2)
Scott and crew continue talking about their views on the Bible... and floss picks, RVs, and their favorite Netflix shows.
April 18, 2018
Episode 2 / The Bible (part 1)
Scott and the gang talk about chicken strips, an upcoming 5K, and why it's important to ask questions about the Bible.
March 28, 2018
Episode 1 / The Intro
Scott Klaudt of Zootown Church joins his friends, Kyle, Spencer, Thaiv, and Marcy, to discuss their different backgrounds, March Madness, Birkenstocks, and how Spencer hurt his groin.