The Bible (Part 1)


"How does Zootown Church view the Bible?"

"How should we read the Bible?"

"What is the importance of the Bible?"

"Which translation is correct?"

We get asked this so much, so let's just address it here. 


Scott, Spencer and marcy introduce new podcasters

The staff is preparing for a local YMCA Riverbank Run, with most participating in a 5K. Which is 5 kilometers, not 5 thousand feet..

In preparation of the run, the staff decides to endorse new Buttermilk Chicken Tenders from McDonalds. But are they better than classic Chicken McNuggets?

“I grew up on nuggets, so they are close to my heart.
“But it’s not even real food. It’s just paste!”
"But it's deep fried, so who cares?" - Conversation between Marcy and Spencer

One of the new podcasters is Robbie Severson, who was born and raised in corn -umm, I mean - Nebraska. He went to school in Minnesota and has been in Missoula for 14 years. He runs Zootown Brew - Zootown Church’s coffee shop - and oversees the internship program there. Most importantly, he turns on both televisions in the Cry Room. 

Are you happy that is your job here? Turning on TVs?

“13 years in pastoral ministries, and this was the goal. So I'm actually surprised I reached it so early. I'm happy where I am. “- Robbie

The other podcaster is Todd Auch, who hails from Sheboygan, Wisconsin (AKA the Vegas of the Midwest). He is 29 and has three kids, all under the age of 3. He comes from a family of 9 kids, being #5 in the lineup. So he is the ultimate middle child. But as he says, Wisconsin is known for Beer Brats and Babies. He grew up on a horse farm, where he broke and stabled horses, but he claims that breeding horses is a mess. So now he is the Pastor of Discipleship here at Zootown Church, and believes the Bible is the "foundation for everything in our relationship with Jesus".  Nice segue, Todd...

Scott, Robbie, Todd, Marcy, And spencer discuss the bible

“Whatever Jesus has told me can be backed up in the Scriptures. It's another avenue to connect with Jesus.” - Marcy

Deconstruction, a real buzzword around the conversation of viewing the Bible, is good, but it should always lead you back to Jesus. Deconstruction is the beginning of the end of cultural Christianity, so questioning what you believe and why you believe is helpful! But there should always be a process of reconstructing. We now find people just sitting in this state of doubt and mocking anyone who is sure of anything. 

Ultimately, the Bible is meant to point us to Jesus. The Bible is a means in growing in that relationship. If the Bible is an end all, we are off base. 

So, is memorizing scripture good? Meditating and pondering on scriptures and knowing God is love is all good. Memorizing is an easy way to feel like we don’t know God that well if we don’t know the scriptures. You can read the Bible to know more or you can read the Bible to know God more. 

Non-Christians are focusing on the small details of scripture. For example, not eating bacon (Deuteronomy 14:8) And thinking "If I want to represent Jesus well, I should look into this so I don't appear ignorant." And in the process of trying to be like Jesus we can ignore him entirely.  

“People have used the rules, that were meant to bring us life, to judge and to be critical. And of course, people don't want to be a part of that!" - Todd

Deconstruction is a hard, long process. The church needs to own that they have not allowed questions. Sometimes the answer isn't found solely in the Scriptures. Sometimes we need to just let the Holy Spirit answer our questions, and that's something we've been missing out on. It's dangerous to think that if you have something wrong in the scriptures, you're going to hell. "Then your salvation is not based on Jesus Christ and his saving grace. It’s based on your own ability to interrupt this book. -Scott

So there is a new way to read the scriptures, and that is through the lens of Jesus. 

The scriptures use broken people as part of God's redemption story. For example, a literal reading of David asking God to crush baby skulls is not in alignment with Jesus' character. So, is David wrong? We think so, because the scriptures should all point to Jesus, and we don't see how that points to Jesus.

It is important to think about the context and the historical context. Sure, you can get the main thing out of scripture without the context, but you cannot get to that next level understanding without it. But the Bible is awesome because "[the Bible] is as relevant in 1818 as it is in 2018, even with all the cultural things removed." - Robbie

If God says it in the Old Testament and the New Testament, it must matter. - Marcy

Paul says "I'm not sure this is from the mind of the Lord, but I believe..." AND IT MADE THE BIBLE. But now we are so afraid in 2018 to be wrong or to read scripture from an incorrect translation which could make us wrong, that we aren't given room to grow or to ask questions. The church needs to step up and be that place for people to be honest and real, and somehow make it to the other side. 

Hope. Where is that in our society? "Even though stuff isn't right, I still have hope. If I don't have that hope in Jesus and I minimize his sacrifice by asking these questions and give up on my faith, where do I get hope from?" - Spencer

Confused by Todd's Star Trek reference? Learn more here

Check out Scott Klaudt's sermon on women here

Beer Brats, Todd's main food group

Beer Brats, Todd's main food group

Riverbank Run 2018

Riverbank Run 2018

Deconstructed LatteSlate Coffee - Seattle Washington

Deconstructed Latte

Slate Coffee - Seattle Washington

Passion Translation Bible

Passion Translation Bible